picture of red gift box with gold bow on top surrounded by red paper hearts on black paper

What to buy someone going through chemo and radiation

When my mom started chemotherapy and radiation, I knew I wanted to get her little gifts throughout the process to cheer her up. But I was also a little worried about what exactly to get. I didn’t want to ask her for ideas and make her use up valuable brain power. (If she had needed something, I 100% would’ve just made sure she had it. This was supposed to be totally unnecessary stuff.) I also didn’t want to get her practical things OR stuff that would exacerbate her symptoms. So many blogs posts out there recommend food baskets (during chemo?!) or products for chapped lips, etc. None of that sounds fun. (Of course, everyone is different!) Here’s what I ended up buying:

Book of 100 Hugs

Link: https://www.betterworldbooks.com/product/detail/100-hugs-a-little-book-of-comfort-9781449427290

My mom said she loved carrying this little book around with her. It’s light and easily fits in a purse or backpack. She said she’d pick a random page, read it and just feel a tiny bit better.

Flowers in a Dome

Link: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0CLNV5GHB/

I wanted to buy her flowers after her first surgery but knew she was also dealing with some pretty serious nausea. Flowers can get smelly. Plus, I knew my dad would have to take care of them and eventually throw them out. It seemed like a bit of a mess when they were already dealing with so much. So I got her these flowers in a dome. They’re supposed to last for ages and—no smell or mess.

Pocket Hug

Link: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09LLTQKTZ

They have lots of engraving options for this pocket hug, but I actually thought the message for sobriety was the most fitting for a cancer journey. You can also look for these on Etsy.


Link: https://bookshop.org/

I got my mom a few books that would be engaging but not emotional. Something she could read when she felt up to it but nothing that would require too much effort or emotional regulation. I purchased them on Bookshop.org, which helps support local bookstores! Perestroika in Paris, Chelsea Chelsea Bang Bang, Let’s Pretend This Never Happened, Dark Matter, Sure I’ll Join Your Cult, A Deadly Education Scholomance, Dial A for Aunties, How to be Champion, Get Fuzzy Bunch #14

Positivity Calendar

Link: https://www.amazon.ca/Catchyourdreams-Daily-Motivational-Calendar-Inspirational

This one isn’t for everybody, but my mom is really into positivity, and this is a cute calendar that you can use and reuse year after year! I found that the quotes aren’t too sappy and more lovey, which is what I was looking for.

Hug Pillow

Link: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B074PBGM1F

Apparently I’m really into hug gifts! This one was cool because I live far away and couldn’t give my mom a hug when I know she could’ve used one. There are a lot of products that you can customize so you can make this as detailed and personalized as you want.

Funny Positivity Frenz

Link: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1595857600/positive-potato-gifts-with-stand-cute

These are just cute, inexpensive and bring a smile. I doubt this is going to last forever in my mom’s clutter-free house, but it was worth it for a small laugh.

Through Thick and Thin

Link: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1322282647/friendship-gift-best-friend-gifts-gift

You can find these as key chains, necklaces, rings, etc. I liked the idea of sending a little reminder that we have your back no matter what.

Gratitude Journal

Link: https://www.amazon.ca/Gratitude-Journal-Notebook-Self-Care-Affirmations/dp/B086PQXNC6

This gift is definitely not for everyone. Cancer sucks. Illness sucks. Going to the hospital sucks. You get the idea. But if you know your person really well then you can help them acknowledge the bad and the good.

Heart Photos

Link: https://www.minted.com/product/photo-art/MIN-ZRO-GCP/heart-snapshot-mix-photo-art

I thought this was a great idea because it’s decently priced and small enough that it’s not a burden to find a place to keep it. It can also remind your person of fun times you’ve had together and get their mind off of current suckiness.

Feminist Sweatshirt

Link: https://feministtrash.com/collections/sweatshirts

Hospitals are COLD. Get a HUGE sweatshirt so your person is comfy, can layer and also has space for IVs and other hospital accoutrements. I liked these feminist ones because they make you feel badass.

Practical Gifts

And, finally, we have a list of practical gifts. Some people are just very practical, and I don’t want to leave them out! Here’s what we stocked up on for my mom. I think, for some people, it would be cool to dress it up a bit in a gift basket with a big bow. Make sure to clear all these products by their doctor. For example, many doctors say you shouldn’t eat grapefruit because it can interfere with medicine. Even if it seems benign, always best to ask!

Candies: ginger, people swear by Jolly Ranchers or Sour Patch Kids and cannabis gummies

Good teas for nausea include: ginger, chamomile, honey-lemon, fennel, peppermint and licorice. I read that it is best to try and get decaffeinated tea because caffeine can dehydrate you.

Snacks: salt and vinegar chips, saltine crackers, pretzels, cold foods like popsicles, applesauce, cereal, milkshakes with protein powder, anything with peanut butter like peanut butter pretzels, ensure protein drinks, frozen grapes, goldfish, plain bagels

Drinks for electrolytes: apple juice, pedialyte and pedialyte popsicles, LMNT citrus, Liquid IV

Items: no spill cup (like a Contigo). If you’re in a comfy position or just don’t feel like sitting all the way up, you can still sip without getting messy. Hot water thermos. 9 ft phone charging cable. Imodium. Alcohol swabs to sniff when nauseated. Personal wipes/face wipes. Battery-powered humidifier. Battery-powered dim light. Heated blanket. Noise-canceling headphones. Bougie hand lotion. Vix for nausea. Eye mask. Chapstick. Water bottle. Slipper socks with grips on the bottom. Sanitizing wipes for the hospital. Crossword puzzle. Pillow.

Non-emotional movies: Memento, Insomnia, The Prestige, Glass Onion, Knives Out, The Grand Budapest Hotel, Baby Driver, Groundhog Day, Fargo, Punch Drunk Love, Collateral, Star Trek (2009), The Adventures of Tin-Tim, The Gentleman, Snatch, and Sherlock Holmes are pretty fun. Guy Ritchie films, James Bond (mission impossible or jack ryan), Ocean’s movies with George Clooney, Adam Sandler movies, Edge of tomorrow, Source Code, the Phonebooth, Heat is a classic heist movie, Young Frankenstein, Magic Mike, Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, Uncle Buck, Elf, Old School, Only murders in the building, Horrible Bosses, Inside Man TV show

Pro tip: Many bloggers recommend asking your doctor to schedule hydration appointments after you finish chemo to prevent dehydration and allow you to feel better faster. https://mycancerresources.com/what-is-hydration-therapy-for-cancer-patients/

Photo Credit: Kostiantyn Li

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